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نقدم لكم القائمة الكاملة لإغلاق الطرق في وسط المدينة خلال يوم “القديس باتريك”



مع اقتراب عيد القديس باتريك تستعد دبلن لأحد أكبر الاحتفالات، حيث ستشهد العاصمة الكثير من الأنشطة المثيرة في جميع أنحاء وسط المدينة، مع توجه الآلاف إلى المدينة يوم الجمعة لحضور موكب القديس باتريك.

وستتم عمليات تحويل حركة المرور على مدار اليوم حيث سيتم إغلاق أجزاء من دبلن أمام السائقين.

وفيما يلي القائمة الكاملة لإغلاق الطرق المخطط لها في دبلن بمناسبة يوم القديس باتريك:

Western Way will be closed from Dominick St Upr to Mountjoy Street on March 16 at 19.00 until March 17 at 15.00.

Mountjoy Street, Mountjoy St Middle, Wellington St Lower, Palmerstown Place, St Mary’s Place North, Granby Row, Parnell Sq. North, Parnell Sq. East, Cavendish Row, O’Connell St Upr. and Lwr. O’Connell Bridge will be closed on March 17 from 4.00 to 15.00

Westmoreland Street, College Green, Dame St, Lord Edward St, Christchurch Place, High St, Nicholas St and Patrick St. will be closed on March 17 from 4.00 to 17.00

New Street South, Clanbrassil St. lower, Kevin St upper. and Kevin St lower, will be closed on March 17 from 4.00 to 18.00

Cuffe Sreet and St. Stepehens Green South will be closed on March 17 from 4.00 to 18.30.

Custom House Quay will be closed from Beresford Place to Memorial Road on March 16 at 19.00 until March 20 at 6.00.

St. Michan Street will be closed from Mary Lane to Chancery Street on March 17 and March 18 from 15.00 to 23.00.

Liffey Street West, Benburb Street, Ellis Street and Hendrick Place will be closed on March 16 from 17.00 to 24.00 from March 17 and from 11.00 to 24.00 March 18.

There will also be traffic management plans in place on St. Patricks day.

Ellis Quay traffic travelling north and east will be diverted via Blackhall Place, Stoneybatter, Manor Street, Prussia Street, North Circular Rd, Portland Row, Seville Place and Guild Street.

North Wall Quay traffic travelling south will be diverted via Moss Street, Townsend Street and Lombard Street.

North Wall Quay traffic travelling west will be diverted via Guild Street, Seville Place, Portland Row, North Circular Road, Phibsborough Road, Constitution Hill, King Street North and Queen Street.

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